Sunday, October 25, 2009

Birth Control?

Okay, so I am going on vacation Saturday. I plan on skipping over my dummy/sugar pills while on vacation because it should be that time of the month. I have never done it before. Do I just throw the dummy pills away or do I take them after my first week on the new pack is done? And if you have done this before does it work well??
It still won't guarantee that you will skip your period that week. You could also get breakthrough bleeding and it will take some time for your body to get back on track after skipping the fourth weeks pills.

I did that one time for a cruise, and it took MONTHS for my cycle to get back on schedule. I would never do it again.
No jus throw the dummy pills away. It works fine and is basically how the birth control seasonale works. You just take your active pills continuously and don't get a period.
Punch out each pill and toss it. This will keep you on track seeing you will be on vacation it is easy to forget. You don't have to take the pills at all really. To not have a period is not a bad thing. And yes it works.
If you start your next pack right away, then Aunt Flo will not ruin your vacation. If you're just going to skip the seven dummy pills, then start your new pack seven days after you finish your old pack (like you had taken the dummy pills). If you take them at the wrong time (week 2 of new pack) then you will very likely cancel the birth control effects. The pills are specially timed to your monthly cycle, so if you take week one, then the dummies, you could very easily get pregnant.

In a nutshell, you have two options: Start the new pack as scheduled, but throw away the dummy pills that you don't take.

2. Start the new pack the first day you should start the dummy pills and throw away the dummy pills. This should stop or lighten your period ~ but it's unhealthy to do this every month. For a vacation or something special, it's ok once in a while.

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