Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Blood type question?

I am just wondering something. I usually always give blood to Red Cross. When I first started doing it I put my blood type as O+ but I wasnt for sure if that was right. I dont know my parents' blood types my dad died when I was little and I dont know ne thing about my mom. When I got my card for Red Cross there was O+ printed on the top. So do they check your blood type or just use what you put? Thanks for the help.
Also if you would have ne thing would they tell you that you can not donate blood any more?
They check your blood type (or rather the blood you donate) at least 3x before it is given to the recipient.
The red cross will tell you if they find something in your blood that means- you are sick or you cannot donate any longer...

generally speaking they put on the CARD- what you told them, but when you blood is donated they check the type and say might actually be A+, they will change it on the blood packaging, without changing it on your record

my friend- thought she was O- most of her family is
told that to the red x, they gave her a card with it
we tested it in anatomy class and she actually is A+. they ahve her ion the system as the worng blood type, bc she told them that blood type, but her blood is not beign given to people on that assumption- they will cross amtch it before it gets to a patient.

you cannot doante blood if:
you lived in the UK for more than 6months in the 1980s-90s
are pregnant
have a heart condition
have a blood borne disease
are recovering from illness
take certain medications
have recently had surgery or cancer...

im australian so ours are probably different from where you live... a full list can be found at your countries red cross site.
They always check your blood type, and never would take anybody's word for it. There is no problem, if you dont know your blood type, as they will check it anyway.
they check your blood type when you donate to make sure that you have put down the right blood type so that they dont give it to someone else with a different blood type.
yes they would certainly tell you if you couldnt donate blood
so dont worry
your a good person for donate blood you can help up to 3 people with one donation
I know what u are talking about. I didn't know my blood type until I was 17 years old. I gave blood and they told me. I went home and asked my mom and she said she didn't know b/c they never told her when I was born. So I assumed that I was that type. I went to the dr about a few years later and was asked my blood type I told him that Red Cross told me what it was and I wasn't sure if it was my blood type. Dr did the test and came back and told me that they were right. The Red Cross will always be right when they tell u ur blood type. Also to answer your question if they would tell you if u can't donate blood anymore. Yes they would tell you. They test your blood after they leave that is why they take a few little test tubes of blood from you before u start ur pint of blood.
Please donate blood its a good cause and two u have a rareblood type that will help alot of people. O negative and postive can give to anyone.
Hope that helped.
they check it thats why they put that on the top of your card, you cant donate if you have aids, if you have been to a tropical country lately, if you have herpes, or if you have several other blood born infections. also if you are underweight they will not let you donate till you gain weight.
The Red Cross Blood Bank always tests you blood group each time you give blood. That is one of the 20 plus tests that are done following the actual donation -- blood type, red blood count (both before you give blood and also later), infections and STDs. That is what the various small test tubes are for prior to giving blood. Also, as mentioned, they test your red blood count which must be above 11.0 for women and 12.5 for males,

If you have any reason for not being able to give blood, they may tell you prior to a donation, or if they have found an infection after you have donated that would eliminate you from donating, they would contact you by letter and ask that you come into their head office for an interview and tell you in person and may give you a referral to your GP.

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